Friday, October 16, 2009

Week 4

So today wasn't so great. Work was relaxed and didn't get much work done. But no worries. It is the day after the season ends. Nobody gets anything done....

After work I went to the pool and did 20 laps in 35 minutes. Don't know how fast that is, but was pretty happy with myself. My right knee is acting up. Sigh. It never hurt before this summer and working out with a trainer. It is definitely time to get this extra weight off...

So then went to DH's work where he is a chef. Took DD with me and she ate pasta. But the problem was that the waiter brought a plate of bread. So should have had him take it away. They are small slices, and homemade. & very yummy. But I couldn't resist. I had a full 1/2 slice of one kind and 2 bites of another slice. *sigh* And then I came home and was very hungry (I had coffee at the restaurant). But I really wasn't in the mood for a shake. So I had a diet soda and a bar. But I kept going to the kitchen to look for something to snack. I made DD a quick snack before bed, since she needed more than just pasta. So got her a yogurt & peaches and I cheated with 2 bites of yogurt & 1 slice of peach. And then I had like 5 crackers. Stop already!!!! Oh my goodness I can't believe I ate all that. I just ate stuff b/c I was bored. Also there is a bit of tax season let down. I am wandering around with all this free time all of a sudden and I haven't yet gotten back to what I normally do, so I fill like I have all these hours to fill.

So I was looking for more journeys for inspiration. I found this site: She looks amazing. She started about the same time I did one year earlier. So is very inspirational to see the drastic changes. She does a video blog and she also does a lot of scrapbooking blogging, so you kinda have to look for the entires. But it is like, if she can do it and looks GREAT after 1 year, then so can I. The videos are great so the changes are very visual. She lost 49 lbs in 8 weeks. I am so amazed and impressed. I don't think I will have those grand of losses, but I am very pleased with my 12 lbs in 3 weeks.

Tomorrow is a new day and I have to not cheat again.

So my goals this week are to work out at least an hour a day. I also have to start and finish 4 placemats for my in-laws for Christmas. We will be going to visit them a week from tomorrow, so I wanted to take the Christmas gifts with us. I also need to clean out my car and clean the kitchen. I think these are do-able things to do this week.

1 comment:

  1. ....thanks for mentioning my blog...hang in there it's so worth it in the end, but my biggest advice would be to not beat yourself up over the slip up...let it go..learn from it..and move on, one slip up like that is not going to put the 12 pounds back on, just up your water, stick to the program 100%..and you will be fine. But I know exactly what you mean...I sometimes just grab for things to eat...not because of hunger..and that's frustrating....cause we know we are doing it, we see it happening...but learning to control it is the problem...I think I will fight that for the rest of my life...but hang in there...I look forward to watching your to you soon Staci
