Friday, January 15, 2010


ARGH! I have to have surgery again next week. I had an umbilical hernia repaired last July. And it has come back only worse. So now it has to be fixed again. And the surgeon said that 800-1000 calories was not enough for my body to heal. So now he wants me on 1500 cal a day for 4 days before surgery & for 10 days after surgery.

So the nutritionist worked with me and she gave food plans. She said that I couldn't just jump from 950 calories a day to 1500 in one day. So she set me up with a gradual food plan starting with 1250 today, 1350 tomorrow & 1500 on Sunday, since surgery is on Wednesday. I just finished dinner and I still have 50 more calories to spend on an evening snack. But I am SO Stuffed! I never thought 1200 calories would be so much food. I feel ill. I hate this feeling. I used to consume 2000-2500 or more calories a day without thinking about it and now 1200 is making me sick? Never thought I would see that day. And then I still have 300 more to add per day in the next 2 days. Yuck.

So I talked with the Doc at clinic and he said they would work with me. That if need be I can do an additional 2 weeks back on only product and then start transition again. So that could be very nice. Not sure I will be willing to go back to only product, but I think I would love to start over on transition. I was only actually 1 week into it when I found out I have to have surgery again. I am actually only 5 weeks left to the end, but I may extend it. Also, the costs are getting to the budget... But if going back to only product for 2 weeks will help me lose some more weight, then I am wondering if that is a good thing to suck up the $$ and just do it...

I am very glad that the nutritionist helped me with the food plans. Because the last thing I wanted to do was say, oh, I get 500 more calories per day. Lets go have a cheeseburger! So this plan is very good for me for that reason. I also like that it breaks it out by meal. But I split it up even further (eating less about every 90-120 min rather than a full meal every 3 hours) because it was too much for me to eat in one sitting. So I think I will continue to do that throughout this surgery & recovery.

Anyway, total on program lost is 43. Total since I started trying to lose is 53. So I have about 57 to go before goal weight. But only 40 or so to go before I will be comfortable enough to start trying for a baby again. My plan is to be 40 lbs lighter than today by August. So I will keep going, even with this major bump in the road. Oh, and no working out beyond walking for 6-8 weeks. ARGH!